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Автори: Fomenko, Larisa
Kharkivska, Alla
Дата публікації: 2018
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article deals with the problem of the development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers. It is focused on the need to rethink the tasks and the content of their professional training in connection with the informatization of all spheres of human activity, including education. The importance of the development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers is emphasized. It is suggested using the potential of mathematical training as a component of professional training for its development. The purpose of the research was to determine the theoretical foundations of the development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers in the process of mathematical preparation, namely, the specification of the essence and definition of the structure of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers, the emphasizing of methodological approaches, principles and functions of its development. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, it came to the conclusion that at present there is no single approach to the definition of the essence and structure of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers. In the process of the research, a definitive and structural analysis of done. On the basis of it the cognitive activity of the future computer science teacher as a personality quality was determined. It contributes to effective preparation for the implementation of vocational and pedagogical activities, which is aimed at forming students informational culture and basic competencies in the field of digital technologies, implementation of digital technologies in educational process of educational institutions. It appears in a positive attitude to the content and process of learning, the intention to self-education, self-improvement, creative growth throughout life in order to succeed self-realization. In the structure of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers, the motivational, operational-research and personality- reflection components that exist in unity are singled out. The development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers is understood as the conscious process of raising of the cognitive activity level of students, as a result of which there is a change of investigated quality, which manifests itself in positive changes in the motivational, operational-research and personality-reflection components, and promotes effective gaining of professionally important knowledge and skills of their use in pedagogical activities. In organizing the development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers in the process of mathematical training, one must adhere to the principles of systematic, personal-activity and informational methodological approaches; use the general didactic guidelines, especially the principles of fundamentalization of education, orientation of mathematical training for future professional activity, individual approach and subject- subject interaction between teacher and students, problem-solving, cognitive visualization; rely on motivational, gnostic, integrative and reflective functions of the development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers in the process of mathematical training
Опис: Fomenko L. Тhe development of cognitive activity of future computer science teachers in the mathematical training process: theoretical aspect chapter / L. Fomenko, A. Kharkivska // Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of modern science : the experience of countries of Europe and prospects for Ukraine. – 2018. – 13 : pedagogical sciences. – Р. 112–134.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/643
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