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Title: Modern technologies of teacher training for education and upbringing of children with special psychophysical development
Authors: Kharkivska, Alla
Babakina, Oksana
Dmytrenko, Kateryna
Kapustina, Olena
Piekharieva, Alona
Keywords: інклюзивна освіта, освітній процес, освіта дітей з ООП
inclusive education. Education. Educational process. Teaching children
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The article presents the fundamental principles of inclusive education: sociocultural context, historical background, international and national legislative and regulatory support for implementation and functioning of inclusive education, which is considered as the basis of transformational changes in the education of persons with special needs. The periodization and development prospects of children with special needs during the independence of Ukraine are presented; the newest approaches in teaching children with psychophysical features and strategies for successful implementation of inclusive practice; the role and significance of parental influence in the process of inclusive education is described
Description: Modern technologies of teacher training for education and upbringing of children with special psychophysical development / Alla Kharkivska, Oksana Babakina, Kateryna Dmytrenko, Olena Kapustina, Alona Piekharieva // Conhecimento & Diversidade, 2023. – Vol. 15. – №38. – P. 401–412.
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