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Title: The Influence of Hardiness on the Effectiveness of Students’ Adaptation During the HostilitiesLa Influencia de la Dureza en la Eficacia de la Adaptación de los Estudiantes Durante las Hostilidades
Authors: Bereziak, Kseniia
Diachenko, Inna
Hlinchuk, Yuliia
Kalinina, Tetiana
Tereshchenko, Oleksandr
Keywords: антикризове управління, кризова психологія, вища школа, інноваційна освіта, воєнний стан,
anti-crisis management, crisis psychology, higher school, innovative education, martial law
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article aims to study the relationship between the hardiness level and the effectiveness of students’ adaptation to new learning conditions during the hostilities. The research involved testing methods, questionnaire survey, and peer review. For several qualitative characteristics of adaptability, the indicators of the experimental group are higher than those of the control group: the results of the experimental group significantly exceed the control group for the “Acceptance of others” indicator. The experimental group obtained a significant advantage in terms of emotional comfort and internal control. The study helped to reveal the connection between resilience and the effectiveness of students’ adaptation during hostilities. A direct relationship between high hardiness and more effective adaptation was proved. That is, it became possible to make students’ adaptation more efficient by increasing their hardiness. The study will be helpful for managers of higher education institutions, teachers, and students who care about the effectiveness and safety of the educational process during hostilities
Description: The Influence of Hardiness on the Effectiveness of Students’ Adaptation During the HostilitiesLa Influencia de la Dureza en la Eficacia de la Adaptación de los Estudiantes Durante las Hostilidades / Kseniia Bereziak, Inna Diachenko, Yuliia Hlinchuk, Tetiana Kalinina, Oleksandr Tereshchenko / Journal for Educators Teachers and Trainers, 2022. ¬Vol. 13. – Issue 5.- P. 272–282.
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