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Title: Theoretical principles of positioning strategy of european and ukrainian major universities in the cyberspace and methods of their analysis
Authors: Kharkivska, Alla
Keywords: стратегія, позиціонування, школа менеджменту, головний університет, конкуренція, кіберпростір, освіта, вищі навчальні заклади
strategy, positioning, school of management, major university, competition, cyberspace, education, higher educational establishments
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The article examines conception «positioning strategy of major university in the cyberspace», its main trends and functions. The author analyses the scientific works of classical and modern representatives of schools of management widely spread in different countries, according to their main conceptions, which single out the principal tendencies of management impact, formulate the most effective methods and forms of their putting into operation using knowledge from different fields of science. The completed analysis enabled to make the conclusion that the work of schools of management depends on using external information and changes in the environment. The researcher accents that clear implementation of the tasks of positioning strategies will ensure that higher educational establishments consolidate their positions, as well as contribute to the University’s competitiveness in the domestic and global scientific and educational space.
Description: Kharkivska Alla. Theoretical principles of positioning strategy of european and ukrainian major universities in the cyberspace and methods of their analysis / Alla Kharkivska // Порівняльна професійна педагогіка. – 2020. – №10 (4). – С. 17-22
Appears in Collections:Статті

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