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Title: Education of value orientations of future teachers of primary education
Authors: Kharkivska, А. А.
Keywords: цінність, ціннісна орієнтація, виховання, майбутній учитель, початкова освіта, заклад вищої педагогічної освіти, здобувач вищої освіти
value, value orientation, upbringing, future teacher, primary education, institution of higher ped-agogical education, applicant for higher education
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The article analyzes the different approaches of domestic and foreign scholars to the study of the problem of values and value orientations of future teachers of primary education. The essence of the concept of «value» and «value orientations» is revealed. The focus is on the psychological features of value orientations as a mechanism for regulating the behavior of future teachers. The author found that value orientations are formed from childhood, develop, change throughout life, but special attention should be paid to the training of future teachers of primary education. Education of value orientations of future teachers of primary education is carried out in institutions of higher pedagogical education by organizing classroom and extracurricular educational and cognitive activities of applicants for higher education.
Description: Kharkivska A. Education of value orientations of future primary school teachers / A. Kharkivska // Danish Scientific Journal. – 2021. – № 44 Vol. 2. – С. 55-58
Appears in Collections:Статті

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