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Title: Technology of forming future journalists’ social information competence in Iraq based on the use of a dynamic pedagogical site
Authors: Kharkivska, Alla
Shtefan, Liudmyla
Muntasir, Alsadoon,
Aleksandr, Uchitel
Keywords: соціально-інформаційна компетентність, майбутній журналіст, динамічний педагогічний сайт, технологія
social information competence, future journalist, dynamic pedagogical site, technology
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The article reveals scientific approaches to substantiating and developing technology to form social information competence of future Iraqi journalists based on using a dynamic pedagogical site. After pre-interviewing students of the Journalism Faculty at Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences in Baghdad, the authors came to the conclusion there are issues on defining the essence of social information competences. It is established that the majority of respondents do not feel satisfied with the conditions for forming these competences in the education institutions. At the same time, there were also positive trends as most future journalists recognized the importance of these professional competences for their professional development and had a desire to attend additional courses, including distance learning ones. Subsequently, the authors focused on social information competence of future journalists, which is a key issue according to European requirements. The authors describe the essence of this competence as an integrative quality of personality, which characterizes an ability to select, transform information and allows to organize effective professional communication on the basis of the use of modern communicative technologies in the process of individual or team work.
Description: Technology of forming future journalists' social information competence in Iraq based on the use of a dynamic pedagogical site: CEUR Workshop Proceedings / Alla Kharkivska, Liudmyla Shtefan, Muntasir Alsadoon, Aleksandr Uchitel; Edited by: Arnold E. Kiv, Mariya P. – 2019.– Vol. 2643. – P. 82–93
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