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Title: Features and current requirements for the supervisor's professional activity in special education and social work
Authors: Astremska, Iryna
Anholenko, Valentyna
Pecherytsia, Nataliia
Ponomarenko, Liudmyla
Kvitko, Nataliia
Keywords: нагляд, керівник, професійна діяльність наукового керівника, наглядові ролі. супервізія соціальної роботи та освіти
supervision, supervisor, supervisor's professional activity, supervisory roles, supervision of social work and education
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The article is devoted to supervision, which is becoming more and more necessary in all spheres of social life, including in the system of social work and special education. It is shown that one of the tasks of supervision is the development of certain skills and expansion of the supervised's understanding and capabilities. It is justified that for the effective performance of such tasks, the supervisor himself must have the appropriate skills and abilities. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics and consider modern requirements for the professional activity of a supervisor. The task of the article: to analyze the views of scientists on the goals and functions of supervision; consider the personal and professional characteristics of supervisors and the roles they perform; to investigate the content of supervision of social work and education. It was concluded that the purpose of supervision is to help the supervisee (them) more effectively perform the tasks defined in job duties through the development of emotional maturity, and the task of supervision is to satisfy organizational, professional and personal needs
Description: Features and current requirements for the supervisor's professional activity in special education and social work / I. Astremska, V. Anholenko, N. Pecherytsia, L. Ponomarenko, N. Kvitko // Conhecimento & Diversidade, Niterói, 2023. – Vol. 15. – № 38. – Р. 12–27.
Appears in Collections:Статті

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