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Title: Areas of socio-educational work with internally displaced persons
Authors: Hladun, Tetiana
Anholenko, Valentyna
Pecherytsia, Nataliia
Keywords: напрями соціально-педагогічної роботи, внутрішньо переміщена особа, соціально-психологічний напрям, соціально-педагогічний напрям, соціокультурний напрям, правозахисний напрям з урахуванням гендерно-чутливого підходу, профорієнтаційно-професійний напрям, соціально-побутовий напрям
areas of socio-pedagogical work, internally displaced person, socio-psychological direction, socio-pedagogical direction, socio-cultural direction, human rights direction taking into account a gender-sensitive approach, career-guidance-professional direction, socio-household direction
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article considers areas of socio-educational work with internally displaced persons. The concept of internally displaced person is characterized, according to international and domestic legislation. Established a legal framework, in accordance with which the rights of internally displaced persons in Ukraine are implemented. Special socio-pedagogical work as a practice-oriented field of knowledge (direction to the study of social services, socio- pedagogical assistance and support for assessment in the socio-cultural environment, adaptation in various areas of consumption, etc.). Scientific studies are analyzed and the most common problems faced by displaced persons are identified. The main functions of a social worker in the socio-pedagogical work with internally displaced persons are considered, namely: socio- household, socio-medical, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological. The article describes the areas of social support for internally displaced persons in state institutions. The areas of socio- pedagogical work with internally displaced persons (social-psychological, socio-pedagogical, socio- cultural, human rights direction, taking into account a gender-sensitive approach, career-guidance- professional, social-everyday) are defined and characterized in detail. The subjects of activity are determined in accordance with each direction of social and pedagogical work with internally displaced persons.
Description: Hladun T. Areas of socio-educational work with internally displaced persons /Tetiana Hladun, Valentyna Anholenko, Nataliia Pecherytsia // Enrichment of the pedagogical cluster of educational services : International collective monograph. – Czech Republic, 2022. – P. 123–133.
Appears in Collections:Статті

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