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Назва: The Use of Innovative Technologies in the Process of Forming the Competence of Future Elementary School Teachers as a Requirement of Postmodern Development of Society
Автори: Lebid, Inna
Andryushchenko, Olena
Petrychenko, Larysa
Skrypnyk, Nadiia
Vyshnivska, Nataliia
Zubtsova, Yuliia
Ключові слова: постмодерн; професійне навчання; заклади вищої освіти; удосконалення навчального процесу; педагогічні працівники; початкова освіта
postmodern; vocational training; institutions of higher education; improvement of the educational process; pedagogical professionals; primary education
Дата публікації: 2023
Короткий огляд (реферат): The problem deserves special attention, given the urgent need to improve the process of forming the professional competence of future elementary school teachers associated with the need to optimize the components of the educational system in accordance with the needs of students, employers and conditions of postmodern social development. The analysis of the available developments allowed us to determine that the use of innovative learning technologies aimed at the development of the personality of future elementary school teachers is considered promising. The content of professional competence of future elementary school teachers has been analyzed. It was found out that there is no unified approach to the definition of its structure, but the necessary elements are reflexive, operational, methodical, motivational. The development of mobility, creativity and formation of individual pedagogical style are considered necessary for a future teacher. The directions for improving the professional training of future elementary school teachers have been proposed. In particular, they include the definition of ways of forming students' motivation to master the future profession and further continuous professional development, as well as updating the content and structure of professional training in view of the features of postmodern education. The introduction into the educational process of such innovations as methods of active and intensive learning, cooperative learning and coaching technology, which showed positive results in the process of their use, was substantiated. Further research on this aspect consists of the development of methodological recommendations for updating educational programs for training elementary school teachers in the conditions of postmodern development of education and experimental testing of the effectiveness of the proposed approach
Опис: The Use of Innovative Technologies in the Process of Forming the Competence of Future Elementary School Teachers as a Requirement of Postmodern Development of Society / Inna Lebid, Olena Andryushchenko, Larysa Petrychenko, Nadiia Skrypnyk, Nataliia Vyshnivska, Yuliia Zubtsova // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2023. – Vol. 14 . - Issue 1. – P. 285–301
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/3480
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