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Назва: Development of Students’ Verbal and Logical Thinking in the Course of Research Work
Автори: Horanska, Tetiana
Bakumenko, Tetiana
Polishchuk, Viktoriia
Atamanchuk, Iurii
Turchyn, Tamara
Ключові слова: future specialists, professional training, research work, thinking, verbal and logical thinking
Дата публікації: 2022
Короткий огляд (реферат): Verbal and logical thinking is a type of thinking carried out through logical operations with concepts. The subject can learn the essential features and relationships of the reality in the course of verbal and logical thinking, operating with logical concepts. The aim of the study was to experimentally test the impact of research work on the students’ level of verbal and logical thinking. The study involved: Thinking Types, Generalization of Concepts, Classification of Objects, Comparison of Concepts by K. Goldstein. The results of the pedagogical experiment allowed stating that there was an increase in the level of verbal and logical thinking in the subjects of the experimental group as a result of special experimental work. The students of the experimental group were involved in research work in three stages: motivational and preparatory, substantive and procedural, analytical and resultant. The main forms of research work of students were: holding round tables, meetings of the student scientific community, the Council of Young Scientists; involvement of students in webinars on research programmes and grants, competitions for student research papers, introduction of students into the basics of research activities through individual consultations with supervisors, representatives of the Council of Young Scientists; preparation of abstracts, brief outline reports of conferences, articles; conducting disputes; participation in the work of the student scientific community, problem groups, workshops, laboratories. We consider the study of the relationship between the dominant type of thinking of students and the major chosen in higher educational institution as a prospect for further research.
Опис: Horanska Tetiana. Development of Students’ Verbal and Logical Thinking in the Course of Research Work / Tetiana Horanska, Tetiana Bakumenko, Viktoriia Polishchuk, Iurii Atamanchuk, Tamara Turchyn // Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2022. – Vol. 11, No. 1. Special Issue. – Р. 185-194
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/3454
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