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Title: Everyday life of peasant family in NEP era in Kharkiv region
Authors: Olianych, Valentyna
Olyanych, Larysa
Keywords: нова економічна політика, селяни, дитяче дозвілля, культурне життя, одяг та їжа, інститут шлюбу
new economic policy, peasants, сhildren’s leisure, cultural life, clothing and food, marriage institution
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article is devoted to the daily life of a peasant family during the NEP era in Kharkiv region. In the life of a peasant, an important place is occupied by the family. During the period of the new economic policy, changes took place in the peasant family and new life realities appeared. To study thesituation of the peasant family and to study the peculiarities of everyday life, religious beliefs, nutrition, clothing, the situation of women and children is a significant task of our research. Based on historical sources and modern research, we can recreate the reality of the NEP era.
Description: Olianych V. V. Everyday life of peasant family in NEP era in Kharkiv region / V. V. Olianych, L. V. Olianych // Challenges and prospects of the implementation of political, historical, philosophical, and sociological research amidst digitalization : scientific monograph. – Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2022. – P. 44–57
Appears in Collections:Статті

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