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Title: Ukraine as a Religious Destination
Authors: Borysova, Olga
Huzik, Tetiana
Fylypovych, Liudmyla
Keywords: Україна, дестинація, паломництво, сакральний об’єкт, туристичний потенціал, креативна індустрія
Ukraine, destination,, pilgrimage, sacred objects, tourist potential, creative industry
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The artic le is devoted to the state, development, and prospects of religious touris m and religious pilgrimage in Ukraine. Based on the interesting and eventful history of this country, and the presence of many sites of spiritual and religious evolution of peoples on its territory, the authors suggest that Ukraine may become a religious destination under certain conditions. The article briefly describes the history of pilgrimage from the ancient Rus' to the modern Ukraine. After 70 years of communist bans on religion and pilgrimage, religious life as well as religious tourism has been restored significantly in independent Ukraine. But this industry has not become an element of national revival that spiritually develops people, enriches them culturally, and also brings profits. Despite Ukraine's poor rating as a religious destination among other countries, it should regain the glory of being a pilgrimage center.
Description: Borysova O. Ukraine as a Religious Destination / Olga Borysova, Tetiana Huzik, Liudmyla Fylypovych // Occasional papers on religion in Eastern Europe, 2020. – Vol. 40. – Issue . – Р. 76–97.
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