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Назва: Technology of creating an adaptive individual scenario of the graduate student’s educational activity
Автори: Yelnykova, Halyna
Yeromenko, Olha
Ключові слова: педагогічна технологія, адаптація, адаптивна технологія, аспірант, навчальна діяльність
pedagogical technology, adaptation, adaptive technology, graduate student, educational activity
Дата публікації: 2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article, based on the technology development algorithm, represent the technology of creating an adaptive individual scenario of the graduate student’s educational activity. The components of adaptive technology have been identified: conceptual, content, procedural-adaptive, resulting. The focus is on the fact that the technology is based on an adaptive approach, the main provisions of which are the concept of directed self-organisation, mutual harmonization of diverse impacts on a dialogic basis, self-development, which helps to achieve a common goal in view of external environment requirements and the balance of interests of educational process participants
Опис: Yelnykova Н. Technology of creating an adaptive individual scenario of the graduate student’s educational activity / Н. Yelnykova, O. Yeromenko // Cultura – Changes – Education, 2019. – Vol. VII. – P. 184–194.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/3251
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