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Назва: Features of Crop Rotation Formation in Kharkiv Region During the NEP Years (1921–1929): A Historical Overview
Автори: Olianych, Valentyna
Olianych, Larysa
Rudnik, Denys
Ключові слова: НЕП, сівозміна, земельна община, селянин, землеробство
NEP, crop rotation, Land community, peasant, agriculture
Дата публікації: 2022
Короткий огляд (реферат): The authors studied the process of land use in agriculture in Ukraine during the NEP period. The process of crop rotation in a historical context was identified in order to study important factors of the impact of Agriculture on society as a whole.
Опис: Olianych V., Olianych L., Rudnik D. Features of Crop Rotation Formation in Kharkiv Region During the NEP Years (1921–1929): A Historical Overview / Valentyna Olianych, Larysa Olianych, Denys Rudnik // Science, Innovation and Education: Problems and Prospects : Proceedings of XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference ( Tokyo, Japan, 28–30 July 2022 ). – Tokyo, 2022. – P. 393-396.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/3117
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