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Title: Methodical toolkit for professional training of future teachers to use cloud services in the educational process
Authors: Khmil, Nataliia
Kyselovа, Olesia
Shcherbak, Iryna
Keywords: cloud services, professional training, future teacher, methodical toolkit, educational process
хмарні сервіси, професійна підготовка, майбутній учитель, методичний інструментарій. освітній процес
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: In the article the authors highlight the problem of preparing future teachers to use cloud services in the educational process. It is emphasized that over the past 5 years there has been an increase in the number of publications in this area. The paper substantiates that the selection of methodological tools is important to rely on the principles of learning that help higher education students to better remember and independently develop new material: the principle of visibility, the principle of support, the principle of professional orientation, unity of individual and group approach, consciousness and activity in training. The researchers also noted that for the organization of the learning process aimed at preparing future teachers to use cloud services in the educational process, elements of contextual, interactive and blended learning are important. It is taken into account that the organization of educational and cognitive activities of higher education seekers is ensured by the introduction of different groups of teaching methods: stimulating the motivation of educational activities; problematic presentation of material; monitoring and analysis of student academic achievements. Emphasis is placed on the importance of using cloud learning tools in the training process, by which the authors understand cloud services used in various types of educational activities to solve specific educational problems. The authors proposed the following groups: data storage services; services for creating postcards, resumes, movies, cartoons, online games; services for planning for teachers and students in the educational process; services for the organization of joint work; information visualization services; services for creating didactic tools; services for creation and filling with the developed didactic materials of the educational and information environment in the form of a site
Description: Khmil N. Methodical toolkit for professional training of future teachers to use cloud services in the educational process / N. Khmil, O. Kyselova, I. Shcherbak // Modernization of the pedagogical system of tertiary education in higher education institutions : сollective monograph / edited by G. F.Ponomarova, A. A.Kharkivska, L. O.Petrychenko and other; Municipal Establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy" of Kharkiv Regional Council. – Kharkiv : Publishing house Education and Science s.r.o., 2021. – P 237– 257.
Appears in Collections:Статті

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