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Title: European experience of professional training of primary school teachers
Authors: Ivanova, Dora
Кosharna, Natalia
Havrylenko, Tetiana
Upatova, Iryna
Denys, Olena
Keywords: професійна підготовка, початкова школа, система освіти, бакалавр, магістр, освіта, педагогічна практика
professional (vocational) training, primary school, education system, bachelor, master, education, teaching internship (practice)
профессиональная подготовка, начальная школа, система образования, бакалавр, магистр, образование, педагогическая практика
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The purpose of the research: to study the features and trends of professional training of primary school teachers in Great Britain, Sweden and Germany. The methods of the research: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, analysis, synthesis, generalization, grouping, description, comparison. Results. It has been revealed that there is a two-stage structure of professional training of a future primary school.
Description: European experience of professional training of primary school teachers / D. Ivanova, N. Кosharna, T. Havrylenko, I. Upatova, O. Denys. // AD ALTA : Journal of Interdisc iplinary Research : Hradec Kralove, 2021. – Vol. 11. – Issue 1, special issue XVI. – С. 115–122.
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