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Title: Peculiarities of integration of information technologies in he process of studying neological English vocabulary
Authors: Horovenko, Oksana
Pyrlyk, Yu.K
Pyrlyk, S. V.
Keywords: неологічна лексика, інформаційні технологіїї, освітній процес, інтеграція
neological vocabulary, information technology, educational process, integration
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The formation of neological vocabulary is rapid due to the constant improvement of digital technologies and the dissemination of information through social networks, messengers and other digital means of communication. The main features of integration of information technologies in the process of studying neological vocabulary of English are investigated in the work, namely: increase of motivation and interest in learning a foreign language; constant practical application of acquired knowledge; improving teacher-student feedback; facilitating control and verification of completed tasks; positive change in the educational environment.
Description: Horovenko O. A. Peculiarities of integration of information technologies in the process of studying neological English vocabulary / O. A Horovenko., Yu. K. Pyrlyk, S. V. Pyrlyk // Проблеми, досвід та вдосконалення методичної роботи у закладах освіти : матеріали Усеукр. наук.-практ.конф.(Харків, 24 листопада 2021 р.). – Харків : ФОП Петров В. В., 2021. – С. 100–104.
Appears in Collections:Тези

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