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Title: Тhe application of the pedagogical training in the process of personal self-development of future preschool education teachers
Authors: Shaparenko, Christina
Keywords: особистісне самовдосконалення, майбутній педагог дошкільної освіти, педагогічний тренінг, самовиховання особистості, саморозвиток особистості
personal self-improvement, future preschool teacher, pedagogical training, self-education of a person, self-development of personality
личностное самосовершенствование, будущий педагог дошкольного образования, педагогический тренинг, самовоспитание личности, саморазвитие личности
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The article reveals the possibilities of pedagogical training in the process of personal self-improvement of future preschool teachers. The directions of the pedagogical training usage in the process of personal self-improvement of future preschool teachers are outlined. The types of pedagogical training are singled out: personal development training, creativity training, professional communication training. The types of basic interactive learning methods used in the process of pedagogical training are characterized. The role model method is described as a diagnostic, prognostic and correctional means of personal self-improvement of future preschool teachers
Description: Shaparenko C. Тhe application of the pedagogical training in the process of personal self-development of future preschool education teachers / C. Shaparenko // Professional development of the teacher in the light of European integration processes : collective monograph / in the sciences. edit prof. Tsvetkova Hanna. – Hameln : InterGING, 2019. – С. 480–494
Appears in Collections:Монографії

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