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dc.contributor.authorBorzyk, Olena-
dc.descriptionBorzyk O. The influence of motivational and value sphere of personality on the process of formation future primary class teachers’ harmonious interpersonal relationships / O. Borzyk // Danish Scientific Journal. – Denmark, 2021. – № 44. – Vol. 2. – Р. 51–55.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article highlights the features of the manifestation of the motivational and value sphere of future primary school teachers and their impact on the process of forming harmonious interpersonal relationships of future pro-fessionals. It analyzed of existing definitions of the concept of «value» in the scientific literature. The value triad that plays a decisive role in the formation of harmonious interpersonal relationships is defined: Good, Truth, Beauty. It is proved that the formed individual hierarchical system of human values is the basis of its value orien-tations, which determine a person’s life position in the world and, in particular, in harmonious interpersonal rela-tions. It is established that the activation of motivation of young individuals provides awareness of what they aspire to, identifying flexibility of mind, activity, interest, initiative, entrepreneurship, openness to communication, will-ingness to cooperate, self-regulation of their actions, deeds, behavior, which, in turn, promotes the establishment of harmony in interpersonal relationshipsen_US
dc.subjectцінності, ціннісні орієнтації, мотиви, потреби, мотиваційно-ціннісна сфера особистості, гармонійні міжособистісні відносини, майбутні учителі початкових класівen_US
dc.subjectvalues, motives, needs, harmonious interpersonal relations, future primary school teachersen_US
dc.titleThe influence of motivational and value sphere of personality on the process of formation future primary class teachers’ harmonious interpersonal relationshipsen_US
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