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Title: Distance learning of foreign languages in the modern educational space: time requirement
Authors: Okatieva, Inna
Keywords: дистанційне навчання, іноземна мова, освітній процес
distance learning, foreign language, educational process
дистанционное обучение, иностранный язык, образовательный процесс
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The study considers distance learning of a foreign language as an educational innovation and a requirement of time, which requires detailed study and consideration of all the features of use in the modern educational space. Distance learning of a foreign language meets the requirements of modern information educational environment, intensifies the process of acquiring knowledge, modernizes forms and methods of learning foreign languages, provides an individual and differentiated approach to learning, promotes creative thinking.
Description: Okatieva І. Distance learning of foreign languages in the modern educational space: time requirement / I. Okatieva // Best Educational Practices: Ukraine, Europe, World : Proceedings of the II International Education Forum (Kiev, January, 2021) / Association for Promotion of Education and Science Globalization SPACETIME Institute of Social and Economic Initiatives Science and Education Center «Science Study Service . – Kiev. – Р. 168–171
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