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Назва: Características de la metodología del desarrollo de las cualidades físicas de los cadetes durante las actividades de levantamiento de pesas
Автори: Prontenko, Kostiantyn
Griban, Grygoriy
Aloshyna, Alla
Bychuk, Olexandr
Kuvaldina, Olga
Shkola, Olena
Boichenko, Artem
Surovov, Oleksii
Ramsey, Irina
Voitovych, Iryna
Valkevich, Oleksandr
Prontenko, Vasyl
Ключові слова: фізичні якості, фізична підготовка, гирьовий спорт, курсанти
physical qualities, physical training, kettlebell lifting, cadets
физические качества, физическая подготовка, гиревой спорт, курсанты
Дата публікації: 2020
Короткий огляд (реферат): The authors’ methodology of the development of the physical qualities of cadets during kettlebell lifting activities is substantiated in the article and its efficiency is checked. 86 cadets participated in the research. The experimental (EG, n=29) and control (CG, n=57) groups were formed. The research was conducted according to the following tests: 100 m race, 3 km race, forward inclination of the body, holding the body in a horizontal position, pull-up bar exercise, hip-swing-up, push-up on parallel bars, complex power exercise. At the end of the study, a significantly better level of the physical qualities’ development of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting activities according to the authors’ methodology was established by the majority of tests.
Опис: Características de la metodología del desarrollo de las cualidades físicas de los cadetes durante las actividades de levantamiento de pesas / K. Prontenko, G. Griban, A. Aloshyna, O. Bychuk, O. Kuvaldina, O. Shkola, A. Boichenko, O. Surovov, I. Ramsey, I. Voitovych, O. Valkevich, V. Prontenko // Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos : Educación, Política y Valores, 2020. – № 2. – Р. 1–28.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/2689
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