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Назва: Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process
Автори: Kononets, Nataliia
Ilchenko, Olena
Zhamardiy, Valeriy
Shkola, Olena
Broslavska, Halyna
Kolhan, Olena
Padalka, Ruslana
Kolgan, Tetyana
Ключові слова: ресурсне навчання», «інформаційно-навчальне середовище», «електронні освітні ресурси», «електронний навчальний посібник», «гіпертекст, д-р Експлеін».
«resource-based learning», «information-learning environment», «electronic educational resources», «electronic study-guide», «hypertext, Dr. Explain».
«ресурсное обучение», «Информационно-обучающая среда», «Электронные образовательные ресурсы», «Электронное учебное пособие», «Гипертекст, д-р Эксплеин»
Дата публікації: 2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article provides an in-depth analysis of one of the tools for creating EER for RBL - the Dr.Explain software application. It also discusses the capabilities of users and the most effective ways to create electronic educational resources in the Dr.Explain program. The aim of the study is to suggest and compile methodological guidelines for designing and developing electronic educational resources for resource-based learning using Dr.Explain software. Dr.Explain is a program designed to create software documentation (help files), help systems, online manuals and user manuals, technical documentation for software and technical systems. The experiment involved 523 students of 1 and 4 courses of study of the specialties 017 «Physical education and sport» and of 1 courses of study 011«Educational and Pedagogical Sciences». Among the research methods used are: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); pedagogical (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation); social and psychological (questioning), mathematical (mathematical calculation, ranking, regression). The research revealed that Dr.Explain is a useful tool for creating CHM help files, print-ready documents, e-books, allowing the user to compile e-learning hypertext resources in two formats (PDF and HTML). An analysis of the experience of using such an EER allows us to note that it is recommended to use electronic study guides in PDF format on tablets and smartphones, and this means what students do when downloading them from the Google platform or an official representative of the university. Web site. HTML e-manuals are easy to use by installing them on classroom desktops or students' laptops. In general, these EERs (both formats) are easy to install and view, and are independent of the operating system and software.
Опис: Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process / Nataliia Kononets, Olena Ilchenko, Valeriy Zhamardiy, Olena Shkola, Halyna Broslavska, Olena Kolhan, Ruslana Padalka, Tetyana Kolgan // Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 2021. – Vol. 12(3). – Р. 165 – 175.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/2657
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