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Назва: The influence of plyometric training on the improvement of special physical preparation of high-qualified visually impaired sprinters during pre-competition stage
Автори: Shesterova, Liudmуla
Adzhametova, Leilia
Ключові слова: пліометрика, спеціальна фізична підготовленість, передзмагальний етап, вади зору
plyometric, special physical preparation, pre-competition stage, visually impaired
плиометрика, специальная физическая подготовленность, предсостягательный этап подготовка,
Дата публікації: 2020
Короткий огляд (реферат): Purpose: describes the effectiveness of applying plyometric training on different flooring of highly qualified visually impaired sprinters at the pre-competition stage. Material and methods: the indicators of special physical fitness of the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in para-athletics among athletes with visual impairments during the pre-competition stage of the annual macro-cycle were studied. The following methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of training loads and processing of parameters of training activity, testing of the level of development of high-speed and speed-power, pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: changing the flooring on which plyometric exercises were performed led to positive changes in the performance of the athlete's physical fitness. Conclusions: the use of preparation at the pre-competition stage of a highly qualified visually impaired sprinter in the six-week plyometric program contributed to a significant increase in speed and speed-power indices of the athlete (p <0.05-0.01)
Опис: Shesterova L. The influence of plyometric training on the improvement of special physical preparation of high-qualified visually impaired sprinters during pre-competition stage / L. Shesterova, L. Adzhametova // Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 2020. – Vol. 8. – №3 (77). – Р. 77–84.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/2635
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