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Title: Criteria for the evaluation of the innovation development program quality in an institute of higher education
Authors: Kharkivs'ka, Alla
Keywords: оцінка якості, критерії оцінювання, інноваційний розвиток
quality assessment, evaluation criteria, innovative development
оценка качества, критерии оценивания, инновационное развитие
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The objective of the article – to analyse the criteria for the evaluation of the innovative development program quality in higher educational establishment as integral part of the management system of innovaive development in the pedagogical educational establishment.
Description: Kharkivs’ka A. A. Criteria for the evaluation of the innovation development program quality in an institute of higher education / A. A. Kharkivs’ka // Fundamental science and technology – promising developments III : proceedings of the Conference. North Charleston, USA, 24-25.04.2014. – North Charleston, 2014. – Vol. 2. – Р. 79–85.
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