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dc.contributor.authorMiroshnychenk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorPasichnyk, Igor-
dc.contributor.authorVoznyuk, Alexander-
dc.contributor.authorKubitskyi, Serhii-
dc.contributor.authorRoganova, Marina-
dc.contributor.authorTsvietkova, Hanna-
dc.contributor.authorShorobura, Inna-
dc.contributor.authorBloshchynskyi, Ihor-
dc.descriptionMiroshnychenk Olena. Study of Ukrainian Polar Explorers' Psychological Readiness for Extreme Environments at the Antarctic Station / Olena Miroshnychenko, Igor Pasichnyk, Alexander Voznyuk, Serhii Kubitskyi, Marina Roganova, Hanna Tsvietkova, Inna Shorobura, Ihor Bloshchynskyi // International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences. – 2020. – Vol. 8, No. 6. – P. 455–461.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe research is devoted to the study of Ukrainian polar explorers’ psychological readiness for extreme environments of the "Academician Vernadsky" Antarctic station.en_US
dc.subjectПсихологічна готовність до екстремальних умов оточуючого середовища, полярників, життя в умовах антарктики, підготовка до екстремального виду діяльності, возрастных груп взрослыхen_US
dc.subjectPsychological Readiness for Extreme Environmental Conditions, Polar Explorers, Living in Antarctic Conditions, Training for Extreme Activities, Age Groups of Adulthooden_US
dc.subjectПсихологическая готовность к экстремальным условиям окружающей среды, полярники, жизнь в условиях Антарктики, подготовка к экстремальным видам деятельности, возрастные группы взрослыхen_US
dc.titleStudy of Ukrainian Polar Explorers' Psychological Readiness for Extreme Environments at the Antarctic Stationen_US
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