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Назва: Readiness of Social Services Specialists for Gender-Sensitive Activities with Offence-Prone Juveniles
Автори: Anholenko, Valentyna
Rasskazova, Olha
Kravchenko, Anton
Sulimenko, Olga
Mohylka, Oleksandr
Kuzminykh, Maryna
Ключові слова: фахівці соціальних служб, діти-сироти та діти, позбавлені батьківського піклування, неповнолітні, схильні до правопорушень, гендерночутливий підхід
social services specialists, orphaned children and children deprived of parental care, offence-prone juveniles, gender-sensitive approach
специалисты социальных служб, дети-сироты и дети, лишённые родительской опеки, несовершеннолетние, склонные к правонарушениям, гендерночувствительный подход
Дата публікації: 2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): This research deals with the issue of diagnosing the readiness of social services workers to implement gender-sensitive approach to working with offence-prone juveniles. As a subject of such diagnosis, we have determined a corresponding professional readiness – social service specialist’s theoretical and instrumental mastery of a sum of methods, means and techniques, and also offence-prone juvenile resocialization algorithms that are based on gender-sensitive approach. Criterion basis for researching the readiness state of social services specialists for gender-sensitive activities with offence-prone juveniles (motivation criterion; cognitive criterion; operation-activity criterion) was justified. The result of diagnostics that was carried out for social services specialists shows mostly medium and low levels of readiness practically by all indexes, “blind spots” and contemporary challenges of such preparation were defined. It was proven that such preparation must be based on pervasive approach and the concept of constant professional growth, raising qualification and life-long education.
Опис: Anholenko V. Readiness of Social Services Specialists for Gender-Sensitive Activities with Offence-Prone Juveniles / V. Anholenko , O. Rasskazova , A. Kravchenko, O. Sulimenko, O. Mohylka, M. Kuzminykh // Journal of Educational and Social Research. - 2021. - Vol 11. - No 3. - р.48-60
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/2324
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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