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dc.contributor.authorTurchynova, Ganna-
dc.contributor.authorHladun, Тetiana-
dc.contributor.authorHnoievska, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorHarashchenko, Larysa-
dc.contributor.authorKozak, Liudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorRudenko, Iraida-
dc.contributor.authorTarasova, Vitalііа-
dc.descriptionEntrepreneurship education of ІТ-specialists through distance learning technologies / G. Turchynova, T. Hladun, O. Hnoievska, L. Harashchenko ,L. Kozak, I. Rudenko, V. Tarasova // Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Digital. Entrepreneurship & Education Models. – 2020. – Volume 23(S1). – Р. 2–9.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe methodology of the use of distance learning technologies in the system of entrepreneurship education will be efficient only if it includes: the objective and the desired result of the use; the principles behind the use; ways, technics, forms, methods and tools behind the use, printed and electronic materials describing the corresponding method, and the main principles of its structure: reasonability, understandability, accessibility, repeatability, and feasibility. The methodology of the use of distance learning technologies of training the Bachelors in Computer Science at the university, developed in the framework of the research, demonstrated its effectiveness, and it can be recommended for introduction in the teaching process of the mentioned category of students. The research findings can be used to roll out a support system for distance learning at the university; to introduce distance learning technologies into the educational process; to improve skills of trainers; to establish electronic training courses in the system of Moodle.en_US
dc.subjectEntrepreneurship Education, Distance Learning, Learning Content Management System, Sharable Content Object Reference Model, Qualificationen_US
dc.titleEntrepreneurship education of ІТ-specialists through distance learning technologies.en_US
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