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dc.contributor.authorKaliuzhka, Nataliia-
dc.contributor.authorSamoilenko, Nelia-
dc.contributor.authorZdanevych, Larysa-
dc.contributor.authorKyselova, Olesia-
dc.contributor.authorTerentieva, Nataliia-
dc.descriptionFeatures of distance learning as a form of getting knowledge under the conditions of global restriction of education / Nataliia Kaliuzhka, Nelia Samoilenko, Larysa Zdanevych, Olesia Kyselova, Nataliia Terentieva // Journal of Critical Reviews. – 2020. – 7(12). – P. 1248–1250.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article discusses the development of information technology, in particular the use of distance learning in higher education institutions. The features of the use of distance education with the disclosure of the objective and subjective aspects of participation are analyzed. The features of distance learning of technical disciplines in higher education institutions are determined. The advantages of distance learning are determined.en_US
dc.subjectпідготовка науки, підготовка у вищих навчальних закладах, принцип чіткості, дисципліна, педагогіка, спеціальні дисципліниen_US
dc.subjectScience Preparation, Higher Education Institution Training, Principle of Clarity, Discipline, Pedagogy, Special Disciplinesen_US
dc.subjectподготовка к науке, подготовка в высших учебных заведениях, принцип ясности, дисциплина, педагогика, специальные дисциплиныen_US
dc.titleFeatures of distance learning as a form of getting knowledge under the conditions of global restriction of educationen_US
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