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Title: Activization of Cognitive Activity of Students in Higher Education Institutions
Authors: Prokopenko (Kravchenya), Alena
Vozniuk, A. ,
Leshchenko, H.
Manchulenko, L.
Kramarenko, A.
Mondich, O.
Keywords: Science Preparation, Higher Education Institution Training, Principle of Clarity, Discipline, Pedagogy, Special Disciplines
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The article discusses options for enhancing the cognitive activity of students. As a method of enhancing cognitive activity, the proposed method of projects. The analysis of the main provisions of the technology for enhancing cognitive activity through the introduction of project training. It is proposed to use group methods of enhancing the cognitive activity of students. The ways of stimulating cognitive activity are considered. It has been determined that the use of the project method in teaching, as the activation of cognitive activity, gives high positive, emotional satisfaction, develops curiosity, intelligence, speech, logical and imaginative thinking, makes it possible to expand and deepen the level of cognitive activity, to awaken students' desire for in-depth study of educational material, develop the creative abilities of students and is an essential condition for improving the quality of education.
Description: Activization of Cognitive Activity of Students in Higher Education Institutions / A. Prokopenko (Kravchenya), A. Vozniuk, H. Leshchenko, L. Manchulenko, A. Kramarenko, O. Mondich // Sys Rev Pharm 2020. – 2020. – № 11(10). – Р. 144–146. – doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.24. – Scopus
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