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dc.contributor.authorPolyashenko, S.-
dc.contributor.authorIesipov, O.-
dc.contributor.authorOlyanich, L.-
dc.descriptionPolyashenko S. Investigation of small oscillations of a two-axle trailer | S. Polyashenko , O. Iesipov , L. Olyanich // Fundamental and applied research in the modern world. Abstracts of V International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Boston, USA. 2020. Pp. 183-189.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe conditions of stable movement of a tractor train and the factors influencing the nature of oscillating movement of trailers are analyzed. The location of the cargo on the platform and the speed of the tractor train have a significant impact on the nature of the oscillating motion of trailers. These performance factors cannot be chosen arbitrarily, they must be coordinated with other parameters of the trailer.en_US
dc.subjectстійкість руху, тракторний поїзд, двовісний причіп, коефіцієнт лобового опоруen_US
dc.subjectstability of movement, tractor train, two-axle trailer, drag coefficienten_US
dc.subjectустойчивость движения, тракторный поезд, двухосный прицеп, коэффициент лобового сопротивленияen_US
dc.titleInvestigation of small oscillations of a two-axle traileren_US
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