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dc.contributor.authorDonchenko, Viktoriia-
dc.contributor.authorZhamardiy, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorShkola, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorKabatska, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorFomenko, Valerii-
dc.descriptionHealth-saving competencies in physical education of students / V. I. Donchenko, V. O Zhamardiy, O. M. Shkola, O. V. Kabatska V. H. Fomenko // Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2020. – Т. LXXIII, – № 1. – Р. 145–150.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim: The article examines the health-saving competencies of fitness technologies usage during physical education classes. Materials and methods: Experimental work was carried out in three stages, each of which was characterized by certain goals and objectives, corresponding forms and methods of research organization. To determine the formation of each of the studied components, we used complex of valid diagnostic techniques. Results: Implementation of the methodological system significantly influenced on general level of motivational, cognitive, activity and reflexive component formation, which significantly improved, compared with the students of control groups who studied under the traditional system. Evaluation of students’ competence in applying fitness technologies showed a high efficiency of the introduced methodological system. Conclusions: The introduced methodical system of fitness technologies application contributed to increase of the level of students’ preparedness by criteria of organizational, communicative, perceptual, speech abilities to fitness technologies, general cultural level, social activity and their involvement in healthy lifestyle. At the same time, the formation of competences in fitness technology usage contributed to the creation of new content of the main components of the.en_US
dc.subjectздоров’язберігаючі компетентності, критерії, рівні, студенти, фізичне виховання, фітнес-технологіїen_US
dc.subjecthealth-saving competences, criteria, levels, students, physical education, fitness technologiesen_US
dc.subjectздоровьесберегающие компетенции, критерии, уровни, студенты, физическая культура, фитнес-технологии.en_US
dc.titleHealth-saving competencies in physical education of students/en_US
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