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Title: Features of forming the professional competence of future educators
Authors: Pritulyak, Людмила
Keywords: професійна компетентність, компетентність, майбутні вихователі, дошкільний навчальний заклад, професійна діяльність
professional competence, competence, future educators, preschool educational establishment, professional activity
профессиональная компетентность, компетентность, будущие воспитатели, дошкольное учебное учреждение, профессиональная деятельность
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: This article deals with the basic concepts, related to the problem of forming the professional competence of future educators child's preschool establishments. The analysis of concept is conducted the definition «professional competence», into account the specific professional activity of future educators and their professional requirements. The features of forming professional competence of future educators are thoroughly considered. The level of scientific development of problem of forming professional competence of future educators is studied.
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