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Назва: The problem of forming a value attitude to nature of future teachers
Автори: Molchaniuk, Olga
Roganova, Marina
Chagovets, Alla
Ключові слова: цінність, ціннісне ставлення до природи, методологічні підходи, особистісно орієнтований підхід, діяльність
value, value attitude to nature, methodological approaches, learner-centered approach, activity
ценность, ценностное отношение к природе, методологические подходы, личностно-ориентированный подход, деятельность
Дата публікації: 2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article examines the pedagogical foundations of the process of formation a value attitude to nature of future teachers. Considering the research problem, the author notes that before starting the process of formation of values of future teachers it should be remembered about the main methodological approaches, such as holistic, personal, acting, system, anthropological and dialogical approaches. Methodological approaches allow to analyze problems of pedagogy and to define the strategy and the main ways of their solving; to analyze the totality of the most important educational issues in dialectical unity and to establish their hierarchy; to predict the maximum probability of obtained objective knowledge. In the author's opinion, an important place in the aspect of scientific research is the learner-centered approach. In the article it is proved that this approach defines the relevant requirements for the teacher: not only to the level of his professional skills, but also for his general and professional education and culture. In general, learner-centered approach of teaching means that first of all the main task of education is put and solved in this process - creating conditions for the development of a harmonious, morally perfect, socially active through the activation of internal reserves, professionally competent and self-developing personality. The author has proved that such activities as constructive-project, organizational, communicative and research contribute to the high level of formation of value attitude to nature of the personality. So, it is obvious that future teachers' value attitude to nature will be formed if the modern teacher understands the essence of this phenomenon as important moral – aesthetic properties of the personality, perceives the aesthetic properties of nature, appreciates them, shows the careful and humane attitude to the environment and expresses his attitude.
Опис: The problem of forming a value attitude to nature of future teachers / O. Molchaniuk, M. Roganova, А. Chagovets // Modern Technologies in Education : collective scientific monograph. – Opole : The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2019. – С. 61-70.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1626
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