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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorBakhmat, Liudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorTonkonoh, Nataliia-
dc.descriptionBakhmat L. Figurative Language Means to Create Advertising Slogans / L. Bakhmat, N. Tonkonoh // Вісник Черкаського університету. Сер. : Педагогічні науки, 2019. – № 3. – С. 57-63.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with analyzing the features of authentic English advertising slogans from the linguistic point of view. The study considers the means of figurative creation of the advertising text component – the slogan, the verbal equivalent of the logo, which reflects the main concept and strategy of the company. It is considered a variant of the text, which is a pre-planned expressive speech activity, carefully thought out in terms of choice of linguistic means, speech strategies and tactics, designed for emotional impact on the addressee. The vast majority of advertising texts are rich in metaphors that create figurative expressiveness and emotionality. Hyperbolization is also often used for irreality, a tendency to generalize, a high degree of conventionality. The authors provide examples of oxymoron, stylistic repetition, rhyming, phraseological units, etc, and argue that the mentioned features and expressive means are indispensable signs of advertising slogansen_US
dc.subjectрекламна комунікація, рекламний текст, реклама, слоган, художні тропи, експресивні засоби, метафораen_US
dc.subjectadvertising text, advertisement, slogan, features, expressive means, metaphoren_US
dc.subjectрекламная коммуникация, рекламный текст, реклама, слоган, художественные тропы, экспрессивные средства, метафораen_US
dc.titleFigurative Language Means to Create Advertising Slogansen_US
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