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Title: Peculiarities of developing the social competency of autistic primary learners under the conditions of unclusive education
Authors: Hladun, Tatyana
Keywords: inclusive education, social inclusion, integration, social competency, disabled children, autistic children, inner indicators of the social competency development, outer indicators of the social competency development
інклюзивна освіта, соціальна інклюзія, інтеграція, соціальна компетентність, діти з інвалідністю, діти з аутизмом, внутрішні ознаки розвитку соціальної компетентності, зовнішні ознак розвитку соціальної компетентності
инклюзивное образование, социальная инклюзия, интеграция, социальная компетентность, дети с инвалидностью, дети с аутизмом, внутренние признаки развития социальной компетентности, внешние признаки развития социальной компетентности
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The article is aimed at the analysis of the peculiarities of the development of the social competency of autistic primary school learners under the conditions of inclusive education. The methods of the research include the analysis of the scientific literature, synthesis, systematization and generalization of the scholars’ opinions. The conducted research gives grounds for the analysis of the evolution of social views on joint education of the disabled children. The author also analyses the extent to which the problem of inclusive education in Ukraine has been researched; defines the peculiarities of the social competency development taking into account the peculiarities of autistic children development. Inner and outer indicators of the social competency development have been singled out. Further researches can be devoted to involving children into social inclusion.
Description: Hladun Т. О. Peculiarities of developing the social competency of autistic primary learners under the conditions of unclusive education / Т. О. Hladun // Scientific revive : Przeglad naukowy. Науковий огляд. – Київ, 2018. – № 8 (51).
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