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Title: The problems of students’ physical training individualization
Authors: Druz, V. A.
Iermakov, S. S.
Nosko, M. O.
Shesterova, L. Ye.
Novitskaya, N. A.
Keywords: norm, physical condition, biological age, chronological age, individual growth
норма, физические кондиции, биологический возраст, паспортный возраст, индивидуальный рост
норма, фізичні кондиції, біологічний вік, паспортний вік, індивідуальний зріст
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Purpose: to assess physical health and biological age of 1st 2nd year girl students, depending on their physical activity, as well as to work out system of control over students’ health. Material: in the research 1st and 2nd year girl students (n=120) participated. Results: students’ busy in their working day was analyzed as well as student’s understanding of healthy life style during working day. We also paid attention to reasons of sharp weakening of students’ physical fitness and determined integral indicator of healthy life style conception as well as significance of every its component. The following concepts are introduced: physical health, including individual level of physical condition; physical fitness and physical state. We found normal level for every component of physical health and correlation between population, regional and individual norms. Conclusions: For students’ healthy life style formation it is necessary to observe norm requirements to all its components. Violation of any component’s norm results in worsening general final result.
Description: The problems of students’ physical training individualization / V. A. Druz, S. S. Iermakov, M. O. Nosko, L. Ye. Shesterova., N. A. Novitskaya // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports. – 2017. – Т. 21. – № 2. – С. 4–12.
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