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Title: The influence of specially directed exercises on the functional state of the tactile analyser and physical fitness of 7-15 year old pupils
Authors: Aghyppo, A.
Kuzmenko, I.
Masliak, I.
Shesterova, L.
Bala, T.
Krivoruchko, N.
Dorofeeva, T.
Keywords: physical education, school-age children, tactile analyser, motive qualities, special exercises
физическое воспитание, дети школьного возраста, тактильный анализатор, двигательные качества, специальные упражнения
фізичне виховання, діти шкільного віку, тактильний аналізатор, рухові якості, спеціальні вправи
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Purpose: to determine the level of influence of specially directed exercises on the functional state of the tactile analyser and the level of physical fitness in 7-15 year old pupils. Material: research was conducted on the basis of comprehensive schools of Kharkov. More than 800 pupils, of whom 6 experimental and 6 control groups were made, took part in it. Results: the pupils’ level of motive preparedness is determined; the functional state of the tactile analyser is investigated; differences of the studied indicators in age and sexual aspects are considered; interrelation between parameters of the functional state of the tactile sensory system and the pupils’ motive abilities development level is defined; the extent of influence of specially directed exercises on the functional state of the tactile analyser and motive preparedness of the investigated subjects is revealed. Conclusions: 1. The analysis of initial research allowed to establish that the pupils’ tactile sensitivity indicators of the middle of the palm and the 3rd phalanx are lower than the norm, and the results related to the back surface of the hand and the forearm are a little higher than the norm. 2. The correlation analysis showed the existence of a rather close interrelation between the tactile analyser and the development level of physical qualities. 3. The use of specially selected exercises positively influenced the functioning of the tactile analyser and, indirectly, affected the examinees’ development of physical qualities.
Description: The influence of specially directed exercises on the functional state of the tactile analyser and physical fitness of 7-15 year old pupils / A. Aghyppo, I. Kuzmenko, I. Masliak, L. Shesterova, T. Bala , N. Krivoruchko, T. Dorofeeva // Sport science International scientific journal of kinesiology. Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. – 2018. – Vol. 11. – issue 2. – Р. 70–77.
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