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dc.contributor.authorSynytsya, T.-
dc.contributor.authorShtsterova, L.-
dc.descriptionSynytsya T. Study of the relevance recreative aerobics exercises for women of the first mature age / T. Synytsya, L. Shtsterova // Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport. – 2017. – № 6 (62). – Р. 90–93.en_US
dc.description.abstractPurpose: to establish the level and priority types of motor activity of women of the first adulthood. Material & Methods: in the course of the research the method of analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature was used. Results: it is established that for today there is a negative dynamics of the motor activity of the adult population of Ukraine, including women of the first adult age. A wide distribution in the system of their recovery is acquired by fitness technologies. Conclusion: analysis of studies has shown that the overwhelming majority of the female population of Ukraine has a low level of functional status, which is associated with a lack of time and a lack of desire to attend sports and health classes.en_US
dc.subjectwomen, motor activity, health, lifestyle, recreative aerobics, fitnessen_US
dc.subjectженщины, двигательная активность, здоровье, образ жизни, рекреационная аэробика, фитнесen_US
dc.subjectжінки, рухова активність, здоров’я, спосіб життя, рекреаційна аеробіка, фітнесen_US
dc.titleStudy of the relevance recreative aerobics exercises for women of the first mature ageen_US
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