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Назва: Representation, reliability and reproducibility of the running test using a metronome
Автори: Yefremenko, A.
Shtsterova, L.
Shutieiev, V.
Kolomiitseva, O.
Pyatisotskaya, S.
Nasonkina, O.
Marchenkov, M.
Deyneko, A.
Ключові слова: metronome, testing, retest, locomotion, aerobic
метроном, тестирование, ретест, локомоция, аэробика
метроном, тестування, ретест, локомоція, аеробіка
Дата публікації: 2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): Abstract. Results of familiarization, assessment of reliability and comparability of results of the test run in a metronome rhythm are presented. The purpose of the research: to describe use and to estimate reliability of the test run in a metronome rhythm which was carried out by students sportsmen of different sports specializations. Objects: the prepared students (boys n = 26 and girls n = 14). Methods: anthropometry; testing (run for 4 minutes in a metronome rhythm which changed: the first minute – 140 bpm, the second minute – 150 bpm, the third minute – 160 bpm, the fourth minute – 170 bpm; video filming and video analysis. Results: the reliable interrelations are revealed as a result of Pearson correlation calculation for indicators of testing No. 1-2-3: average HR (r=0.77-0.65); average distance length (r=0.85-0.54). Interclass coefficient of correlation for: average HR (r=0.64-0.65); distances of run (r=0.84-0.51); average speed of run (r=0.84-0.51). Conclusions: the sufficient reliability and stability of the test were shown because the extent of coincidence of results at the repeated testing had the reliable correlations and coherence during rather long period (three weeks). The test has the sufficient coherence as the scenario of its carrying out allows providing independence of results of testing of personal qualities of the individual who is carrying out the test. It can be recommended to runners for endurance for assessment of technique features; to other groups of individuals for the assessment of state of motor function, profitability and efficiency of movement, psycho-emotional features.
Опис: Representation, reliability and reproducibility of the running test using a metronome / A. Yefremenko, L. Shtsterova, V. Shutieiev, O. Kolomiitseva, S. Pyatisotskaya, O. Nasonkina, M. Marchenkov, A. Deyneko // Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). – 2019. – № 19(4). – Art 154 – Р. 1066–1070. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2019.02154
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1077
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