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Назва: Influence of specifically aimed exercises and active games on indicators of the functional state of the vestibular sensory system in 10–16-year-old children with visual impairments
Автори: Shtsterova, L. Ye.
Riadova, L.
Yefremenko, A.
Masliak, I.
Kryvoruchko, N.
Bala, T.
Mamechina, M.
Zhuk, V.
Ключові слова: abnormalities in walking, functional state, schoolchildren with visual impairments, stability of the vestibular analyzer, vestibular sensory system
отклонения в ходьбе, функциональное состояние, школьники с нарушением зрения, устойчивость вестибулярного анализатора, вестибулярная сенсорная система
відхилення в ходьбі, функціональний стан, школяри з порушеннями зору, стійкість вестибулярного аналізатора, вестибулярна сенсорна система
Дата публікації: 2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): Purpose: to determine the effect of specifically aimed exercises and active games on the indicators of the functional state of the vestibular analyzer in middle school schoolchildren with visual impairments. Material: The study was conducted on the basis of special general education boarding schools for children with visual impairments in Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. It was attended by 204 schoolchildren of grades 5-10, which were divided into classes of 6 experimental and 6 control groups. Results. The indicators of the functional state of the vestibular sensory system of 10–16-year-old schoolchildren with visual impairment before and after using specifically aimed exercises and active games are considered. Analyzed changes in the studied parameters depending on gender and age. The positive influence of specially directed exercises and outdoor games on the functional state of the vestibular analyzer is revealed. Conclusions: 1. Study of the primary indicators of the functional state of the vestibular analyzer in children of middle school age with visual impairments revealed a low level of its sensitivity and stability both before and after rotational loads. 2. As a result of the use of special exercises and mobile games, middle school schoolchildren with visual impairments of experimental groups significantly improved the stability indicators of the vestibular analyzer before and after rotational loads. The most significant changes in the stability of the vestibular analyzer, both before and after the spins in the Barani chair, were observed in boys 10–11 and girls 10–12 years old. 3. Indicators of the functional state of the vestibular analyzer of schoolchildren of control groups have not changed significantly and are not reliable (р>0,05).
Опис: Influence of specifically aimed exercises and active games on indicators of the functional state of the vestibular sensory system in 10–16-year-old children with visual impairments / L. Shtsterova, L. Riadova, A. Yefremenko, I. Masliak, N. Kryvoruchko, T. Bala, M. Mamechina, V. Zhuk // Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). – 2019. – Vol. 19.(3). – Art 232. – Р. 1599–1605. online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 c JPES
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1072
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