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dc.contributor.authorMasliak, I.-
dc.contributor.authorBala, T.-
dc.contributor.authorKrivoruchko, N.-
dc.contributor.authorShesterova, L.-
dc.contributor.authorKuzmenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorKulyk, N.-
dc.contributor.authorStasyuk, R.-
dc.contributor.authorZhuk, V.-
dc.descriptionFunctional state of cardiovascular system of 10–16-year old teenagers under the influence of cheerleading classe / I. Masliak, T. Bala, N. Krivoruchko, L. Shesterova, I. Kuzmenko, N. Kulyk, R. Stasyuk, V. Zhuk // Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). – 2018. – 18 Supplement. – issue 1. – Art 63. – Р. 452–458. DOI:10. 7752/ jpes.201.s163en_US
dc.description.abstractPurpose: to determine extent of influence of cheerleading classes on functioning of cardiovascular system of girls of 10-16 years old. Material: Researches were conducted on the basis of educational institutions of Kharkov. 640 girls of 10-16 years old took part in them, of whom 7 main and 7 control groups were made. Results: functional state of cardiovascular system of girls of 10-16 years old is investigated; differences in age aspect of indicators of systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure, heart rate in rest and after the dosed physical activity are considered; positive influence of exercises of cheerleading on functioning of cardiovascular system is revealed. Conclusions: 1) "Average" level of regulation of cardiovascular system of girls of 10-16 years old is established as a result of the initial research. 2) Application of exercises of cheerleading in the course of physical education positively influenced functioning of cardiovascular system of the studied contingent.en_US
dc.subjectphysical education, schoolgirls, physical development, lesson, exerciseen_US
dc.subjectфизическое воспитание, школьницы, физическое развитие, урок, физические упражненияen_US
dc.subjectфізичне виховання, школярки, фізичний розвиток, урок, фізичні вправиen_US
dc.titleFunctional state of cardiovascular system of 10–16-year old teenagers under the influence of cheerleading classeen_US
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