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Назва: Evaluation of characteristics of running with an audio stimulation in prepared students from various sports from various sports
Автори: Yefremenko, А.
Shesterova, L.
Lebedev, S.
Zakharina, I.
Apaichev, A.
Krajnik, Y.
Samolenko, T.
Pyatisotskaya, S.
Ключові слова: metronome, rhythm, tempo, athletics
метроном, ритм, темп, атлетика
метроном, ритм, темп, атлетика
Дата публікації: 2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): Purpose: revealed differences in the running characteristics of students from different sports without and with audio stimulation. Objects: prepared students (boys n=26 and girls n=14). Methods: test №1: running for 4 minutes with a gradual increase in pace; test №2: running for 4 minutes in the tempo of the metronome (140; 150; 160; 170 bpm). Results: Comparison of test results №1 and №2 in the group of young men revealed the reliability of differences (p<0,05) for: the first and fourth minutes of running; average running speed in the second minute; total number of steps on the second and third minutes. Comparison of the results of tests №1 and №2 in the group of girls revealed the reliability of differences (p<0,05) for: the distance of running in the first minute; average running speed in the first and second minutes; total steps in first and second minutes. Conclusions: similar physiological reactions were recorded in boys and girls on exercise, which increases in steps, regardless of the method of stimulation. At the same time, there are certain differences in the strategy of movement, depending on the method of stimulation. This confirms the complex effect of the imposed rhythm on the performance of cyclic locomotion. We expected significant differences between running characteristics with and without auditory stimulation. However, a large number of reliable differences between the results, including for boys and girls, were not found. This may be due to the preparedness of the subjects, as well as indicate the inconsistency of the data, which requires in-depth research. At this stage, we are inclined to think that the selected metronome frequencies are convenient for running with a load that rises stepwise.
Опис: Evaluation of characteristics of running with an audio stimulation in prepared students from various sports from various sports / A. Yefremenko, L. Shesterova, S. Lebedev, I. Zakharina, A. Apaichev, Y. Krajnik, T. Samolenko, S. Pyatisotskaya // Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). – 2019. – 19(1). – Art 100. – Р. 696–702.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1069
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