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Назва: Modern training of future teachers of the institutions of general education of Ukraine at the stage of its introduction into the european educational space: language aspects
Автори: Chala, Anna
Ключові слова: linguistic and communicative culture, linguistic issue, future teachers of elementary school, speech culture, correctness of Ukrainian speech, bilingual environment, interference, future teachers, inclusive education, children with special needs, training of the future teacher for the education of children with special needs
Дата публікації: 2018
Короткий огляд (реферат): In the scientific research the analysis of the main ways and means of improving the language and communicative culture of future teachers of primary schools is made; the theoretical background of work on the development of the correctness of Ukrainian broadcasting of future teachers in the conditions of bilingualism is considered; the speech situation of the east of Ukraine is outlined and the principles and methods that allow to raise the level of correctness of students' speech are determined; the interpretation of the concepts of "polylanguinal competence", "polycultural competence"; the essence of organization of educational process on the principles of polylinguality in institutions of higher education is determined; the polylingual and multicultural principles of organization of educational process in institutions of higher education of Ukraine are characterized; the tendencies of formation of inclusive education in Ukraine are determined; the peculiarities of the speech training of primary school teachers and teachers-linguists to the introduction of inclusive forms of education into educational practice are highlighted; the content of the existing curricula and work programs for the training of primary school teachers and teachers with philological education for work at a school with children with special needs is defined.
Опис: Chala A. G. Modern training of future teachers of the institutions of general education of Ukraine at the stage of its introduction into the european educational space: language aspects / A. G. Chala //Collective monograph.– Sandomierz : Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2018. – Vol. 2. – P. 412–431.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1016
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