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Showing results 1 to 20 of 3707  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20201. Формування лінгвокультурологічної компетентності майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти в умовах інклюзивної компетентностіДавидченко, Інна
2022Academic mobility of students in the context of educational internationalizationVovchasta, Nataliia; Dobrovolska, Lesia; Melnik, Svetlana; Piekharieva, Alona; Vasenko, Valentyna; Dziurakh, Yurii
2020Activization of Cognitive Activity of Students in Higher Education InstitutionsProkopenko (Kravchenya), Alena; Vozniuk, A. ,; Leshchenko, H.; Manchulenko, L.; Kramarenko, A.; Mondich, O.
2023The advance higher education as the quality assurance body for higher education in the UKBelmaz, Yaroslava
2022Advantages and risks of using the google meet service for the conduct of online lessonsKyselova, Olesia; Khmil, Nataliia; Chetaieva, Liudmyla
2019Advertising in the Context of Intercultural CommunicationBakhmat, Liudmyla; Tonkonoh, Nataliia
2020Analysis of research of strategies of positioning of leading universities of the world in the international information spaceShcherbak, Iryna
2020Analysis of research of strategies of positioning of leading universities of the world in the international information spaceShcherbak, Iryna
2022Analysis Of The Current State Of Training Of Future Specialists In Physical Culture And Sports In The Conditions Of Distance LearningOtravenko, Olena; Shkola, Olena; Zhamardiy, Valeriy; Sokolenko, Olena; Pavliuk, Olena; Hadiuchko, Oleksandr
2017Analyzing Professional Competences of Future TeachersBakhmat, Liudmyla; Fursa, Iryna
2022Andragogy: Searching for Ways to Improve the Educational Process in Educational Institutions for AdultsTymchuk, Liudmyla; Kovalenko, Inna; Vieilandie, Lilia; Prokofyeva, Lyubov; Rasskazova, Olha; Topolnyk, Yana
2021Application of approach for development of hptlc identification and quantification methods for determination of phenolic compounds and terpenoids of several thymus l. SpeciesKhokhlova, Kateryna; Vyshnevska, Liliia; Zdoryk, Oleksandr; Filatova, Olga
2021Application of approach for development of hptlc identification and quantification methods for determination of phenolic compounds and terpenoids of several thymus l. Species.Khokhlova, Kateryna; Vyshnevska, Liliia; Zdoryk, Oleksandr; Filatova, Olga
2019Application of cloud technologies for organization of collective educational and cognitive activity of future teachersKhmil, Nataliia; Kyselova, Olesia; Morkvian, Iryna
2021Application of the video-tutorial "Challenge for Referees" in sports training of young basketball referees for the game seasonSobko, І. М.; Chucha, Y. І.; Podmaryova, I. A.; Nagovitsyna, O. P.; Zhuravlova, I. М.
2023Applying direct language learning strategies when teaching EnglishBelmaz, Yaroslava; Horovenko, Oksana
2024Applying mind mapping techniques to activate group educational and cognitive activities of future Computer Science teachersKyselova, Olesia
2022Areas of socio-educational work with internally displaced personsHladun, Tetiana; Anholenko, Valentyna; Pecherytsia, Nataliia
2021Assessing online education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey of lecturers in UkraineBakhmat, Liudmyla; Babakina, Oksana; Belmaz, Yaroslava
2024Assessment of stress and health conditions among students in the context of the war in UkrainePotop, Vladimir; Vypasniak, Igor; Ivanyshyn, Iryna; Lutskyi, Vasyl; Kryventsova, Iryna; Shesterova, Lyudmila; Prusik, Krzysztof