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- waltz, pedagogical repertoire, ensemble performance 1
- war, autobiographical elements, motif of home, death, trauma of war, communication, revision of Russian culture, vitalistic component 1
- war, just war, doctrine, just war doctrine, medieval Christian theology, Christian doctrine of war 1
- war, ontological issues, life, death, immortality, national being, ontological project 1
- war, students of higher education, distance learning, information and communication technologies, interactive classes, fitness 1
- war, trauma, family 1
- weapons, criminal liability, law, case law, legal opinion 1
- web services, informatics, high school, cognitive activity, interactive technologies, activation of learning, critical thinking 1
- Web services, information and communication technologies, interactive poster, Thinglink, educational process 1
- web technologies, collaborative learning, computer science class, winner of the institution of general secondary education 1
- web technologies, collaborative learning, computer science lesson, education seekers 1
- web technologies, project activity, education seekers, teacher training college, high school students, digital tools, distance learning, digital literacy 1
- Web-portfolio, future teachers, cloud technologies, professional readiness, educational process 1
- web-quest, web-services, preparation of future teachers 1
- webquest technologies, informatics, vocational higher education, methodological features, critical thinking, interactive learning 1
- webquest, learning informatics, methods of organizing learning, winner of a general secondary education institution 1
- Wellness technologies, non-traditional types of gymnastics, extracurricular classes, students, higher education institutions 1
- wiki-oriented educational environment, collaborative learning, educational process, digital technologies, critical thinking, group work, educational institution, self-organization 1
- wiki-орієнтоване освітнє середовище, колаборативне навчання, освітній процес, цифрові технології, критичне мислення, групова робота, заклад освіти, самоорганізація 1
- woman, image, symbol, mother, creativity, struggle 1