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- Game technologies of training, elementary school, interactive forms of teaching, methods of conducting games, New Ukrainian school 1
- Game, game structure, teaching technology, gaming technology, organizational culture, components of the organizational culture 1
- gamemization, New Ukrainian school, children of primary school age, competence approach 1
- gamification, education, distance learning, activation 1
- gamization, gamification, educational game, business game, gaming technologies, stages of a game, bricolage, practical and seminar pedagogy lessons 2
- Gender characteristics, advertising, the English language 1
- gender culture, gender education, future specialist 1
- gender culture, gender order, gender contracts, professional segregation (vertical and horizontal) 1
- gender culture, principles of gender culture, process of formation, junior high school, grades school 1
- Gender education, penitentiary system, gender sensitive approach, non-discrimination 1
- Gender equality, gender education, responsible parenthood, responsible partnership, higher education institution, student youth, family life, parity allocation of family responsibilities, educational training 1
- gender relations, gender approach, junior high school student, gender culture, gender education, vocational training 1
- gender, achievements, power, police officer, security, conformity, tradition, independence 1
- gender, culture, gender culture 1
- gender, culture, gender culture, gender approach, gender relations 1
- gender, education, junior high school student 1
- gender, existential primacy, masculinity, means of artistic psychology, poetics of character formation 1
- gender, gender culture, competency approach, junior schoolboy, education, gender relations 1
- gender, gender culture, culture of gender relations, team building, juniors schoolchildren 1
- gender, gender culture, education, key competences, junior high school student 1